Brand Focus – Luke 1977

Written by Marc | 06/09/2016


Luke 1977

Luke 1977 was founded in 2001 by Luke Roper, in the West Midlands of the UK. Born in 1977 – hence the name of the brand, Luke began designing clothes at a very young age. By 12 it was already noticeable that he had a talent for fashion, and by 15 he was producing shirts for himself and his friends. His talent was spotted five years later, and he was invited to attend the prestigious Central St Martins fashion university in London.

The brand was eventually created as a contemporary menswear brand, growing its foundations through independent menswear boutiques. The clothing produced has components taken from all lifestyles, meaning Luke 1977 is a brand that can be worn by all. Luke 1977 1

Prior to graduating, Luke already had a plan in place with lifelong friend Simon Poole. Their dream was to create the best menswear brand in the UK, and after teaming up with Deborah Poole as well, the business’ journey began.

The first garments Luke 1977 produced were stylish shirts designed by hand by Luke himself. His upbringing in his mother’s sewing room in Walsall came in very useful, and many of the shirts would be stitched individually by him before the business fully took off.

A couple of years after the brand was created, Luke 1977 came to life with the introduction of its logo. It was whilst Luke was fishing in Ireland that he came up with the idea – inspired by an old bottle of whiskey. The lions head design in black, gold and a bit of red was the masculine emblem Luke had been searching for; and added more to the brand than just a name.

Following this, the clothing brand began to evolve further, widening its reach into the fashion industry to be sold throughout the UK and also in stores across America. There are now three lines available within the brand: Luke 1977, Luke Denim and Luke Roper.

The three diffusion lines each market to their own audience. Luke 1977 maintains the classic line, as it was first developed, Luke Denim stocks prestigious denim products and Luke Roper which hosts a line of athleisure clothing.

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From trainers and flip flops, to tailored blazers and shirts, the Luke brand covers all bases in male fashion. Providing its customers with a range of clothing suitable for any occasion. Luke 1977 can take you from the gym, to the office and out for drinks without having to change your brand.

Mainline Menswear sells over a hundred different products from the famous brand. Including numerous shirts and t-shirts, as well as unique jackets and accessories like belts, bags and hats/scarves. No design is the same as the next due to Roper’s invested desire to keep the products current and fresh. This means there’s certainly something within the brand to suit your individual needs. Visit our website here to browse our extensive range of items.

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